Contact us 09:00-15:00, Mon-Fri
Tel: 239 66 699 Email:
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One bike
1 year subscription
kr 169 / year
3 years subscription
kr 399 every 3 years
Savings of 21%
5 years subscription
kr 599 every 5 years
Savings of 29%
  • Reduce your deductible with insurance companies
  • Makes the bike less attractive to thieves
  • Improve your chances of getting your bike back
  • All information about your bike in one place
  • Add up to 5 photos of the bike and invoice
Unlimited number of bikes
1 year subscription
kr 349 / year
3 years subscription
kr 799 every 3 years
Savings of 24%
5 years subscription
kr 1.199 every 5 years
Savings of 31%
  • Reduce your deductible with insurance companies
  • Makes the bike less attractive to thieves
  • Improve your chances of getting your bike back
  • All information about your bike in one place
  • Add up to 5 photos of the bike and invoice

Why choose US?

As a member of Bikemember you have a number of advantages.

The biggest advantages are of course that you can reduce the chance of your bike being stolen and increase the possibility of getting it back. In addition to being an FG-approved bicycle register, which gives you discounts on your contents and bicycle insurance, we also offer a flexible subscription!

Easier to find back to the bike
Improve the chances of getting your stolen bike back with bike registration and our Bike-ID sticker
Aggregate information
Gather all the information about your bike in one place. Pictures of the bike and receipt.
Secure payment by card
Safe and secure online payment by card.
Make reselling easy
You can easily sell your bike and transfer the bike registration to a new owner
FG-approved: Reduced deductible
Get a reduced deductible with your current insurance company
Keeps thieves away
Experience shows that our Bike-ID stickers reduce the chance of the bike being stolen
Flexible subscription
You can easily and quickly terminate, upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any time


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Hva sier kundene våre?

Bra opplegg og fin oppfølging ved å innhente manglende informasjon fra meg.

Gir økt trygghet og sikkerhet ved eventuelt tap av sykkelen 😀

Einar Saga

Takket være Bikemember fikk jeg tilbake min stjålne sykkel etter 4 uker. Selv om tyven holdt den godt gjemt var oblatet synlig og dermed var det en forbipasserende som la merke til den og sa ifra 🙂

Jeg hadde nok aldri fått den tilbake hvis ikke det hadde vært for Bikemember!

Julianna Weber

Virker som dette er et bra tiltak for å redusere risikoen for tyveri.

Godt synlig oblat som raskt kan scannes med mobilkamera for å finne eier 🙂
