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Bikemember Sykkelregister – successor to Falck Sykkelregister.

With BikeMember you get an FG-Approved bike register on a per annum subscription basis. If your bike gets stolen, your excess coverage will be halved with most insurance companies.

And we offer incredibly competitive prices: One bike costs 169 DKK yearly and for only 349 DKK yearly, you can register all the bikes, you want.

Once you’ve signed up on the website, you’ll receive a pleasant notification in 1-3 days, when we send you the safety sticker(s) by post with your unique Bike ID number, which you then put on your bike in a visible spot.

When you subsequently log in to our website, you’ll see a list of all your bikes with the appertaining serial number and unique oblate number. If one of your bikes gets stolen, you can easily and quickly change its status to ‘stolen’.

Your insurance company can then easily track the bike and in case they owe you damages, they’ll transfer the ownership of the bike to themselves. It’s easy, fast and safe!

This way the police also have the option of tracking your bike. They can change the status to ‘found’, if they have any luck finding your stolen bike. If your bike is found, you will obviously be notified.

A strong sense of community

If someone finds your bike, they can easily contact the owner. This way everybody helps each other, so that lost bikes are returned to their respective owner swiftly – all due to a strong sense of community where everyone helps each other. See more here.